

Savoirs, représentations et comportements des réunionnais en matière de santé et d'environnement 18 mois après l'épidémie de chikungunya

Daniel BleyNicole Vernazza-lichtAndreana Ernst-vintilaMaryse GaimardSophie SauzadeDominique SoulancéBernard-alex GaüzèreDenis Malvy


[SDE] Environmental Sciencesknowledgeperceived effectivenesschikungunya[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio]population[SHS.PSY]Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychology[SHS.DEMO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Demography[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS.PSY] Humanities and Social Sciences/Psychologyperceptionsenvironmental psychologyhealth professionalsitinéraires thérapeutiquesefficacité perçuepsychologie de l'environnementanthropologydoctors[SHS.ANTHRO-SE] Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology[SHS.DEMO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Demographyconnaissancesrepresentationscapacité d'action perçuesprofessionnels de santé[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Geography[SHS.ANTHRO-SE]Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnologytherapeutic itinerariesmédecinsanthropologie[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]savoirs profanessecular knowledge[ SHS.ANTHRO-SE ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Social Anthropology and ethnology[SDE]Environmental Sciences[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciencesperceived capacity for actionIle de la Réunion


The outbreak of Chikungunya in Reunion in 2005/2006 surprised by its intensity and by the appearance of serious forms. It has left health professionals and relatively poor populations facing the lack of appropriate treatment. From the example of Chikungunya, the general objective of our multidisciplinary research was to study how two types of factors interact in the management of a vector-based disease: those related to representations and knowledge of the disease, and those related to to the perception of the environment. In this poster, we present the results of a questionnaire survey conducted in November 2007 among the inhabitants of a district of Ravine des Cabris (Commune of St Pierre). This household survey was designed to describe respectively the socio-economic characteristics of households (415 households surveyed), the characteristics of the domestic environment (habitat, garden) and the perceptions, knowledge and behavior of Chikungunya and diseases. vector (1 adult surveyed per household). The results of the survey among the population of Reunion reflect the fact that, despite the numerous information and communication campaigns following the chikungunya epidemic, there is still a difficulty for a fraction of the population (mainly people elderly and / or low school level) to link environment and health to vector-borne communicable diseases. These results are to be compared with those of the study conducted among health professionals in Reunion as part of this project (Emilie Fénetrier, medical thesis, 2008, Bordeaux2)
