

Teaching Physical Education in English using CLIL Methodology: A Critical Perspective

Emanuele IsidoriAlessandra FazioÓScar Chiva Bartoll


Anglèscritical pedagogy.Context (language use)Knowledge acquisitionPhysical Educatio (PE)Critical pedagogyPhysical educationCLIEnglish as a Lingua Franca (ELF)English as a lingua francaCritical thinkingAction (philosophy)PedagogyEducació físicaGeneral Materials SciencePsychologyOn Language


Abstract Relatively little research has been carried out in Europe on teaching Physical Education (PE) in English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) using the CLIL method. Although CLIL is widely used throughout Europe, the PE content is often limited merely to technical-practical skills without any significant links to a socio-cultural context, critical thinking and/or knowledge acquisition. The aim of this study is to integrate CLIL with the epistemological perspective of critical pedagogy applied to physical education (Kirk, 2014). A theoretical “deconstructive” method will be used to provide guidelines for teaching physical education through CLIL. A cultural content based on language, culture and knowledge “in action” (Schon, 1987) will be proposed.
