

School Detention in Finland : A Pilot Study

Timo Saloviita


teachersclass teachingupbringing at schoolkoulukuriluokkaopetusluokkatyöskentelyopettajatkoulukasvatusafter-school detentionschool disciplineclassroom worksurvey researchclassroom managementsurveyta516survey-tutkimusFinland


Although detention is one of the most popular methods of punishment in schools, it is being met with increasing criticism as an educational intervention. Few studies have explored its use to date; therefore, the present pilot study was planned to survey the popularity of detention. By analyzing a representative sample of comprehensive school teachers (N = 2,276) in Finland at grade levels 1-9, it was found that 30% of Finnish school teachers regularly use this punishment. Differences in use were observed across gender, age, and teacher category. These results provide a baseline against which future follow-up studies can be compared. peerReviewed
