

Print and online newspapers as material artefacts

Manuela FarinosiSakari TaipaleLeopoldina Fortunati


Historymedia_common.quotation_subjectritualizationemotioncomputer.software_genrereadershipNewspaperprint newspaperArts and Humanities (miscellaneous)State (polity)eleetonline newspaperRitualizationta518use practicesmedia_commonMultimediaCommunicationgesturesMedia studiesta5142posturesAudience measurementComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSINGJournalismEmotion; gestures; material objects; online newspaper; postures; print newspaper; readership; ritualization; use practicesDigital Revolutioncomputermaterial objectsGesture


Traditional newspaper journalism is in a state of crisis and there have been several attempts to overcome this. Many discourses have reiterated the triumphal march of a digital revolution in newspaper journalism and anticipated the end of the print newspaper. This moment calls for an in-depth analysis of reader habits of news consumption and use in order to understand the audiences for journalistic output and their relationship with the journalistic objects. In this study, we adopt a multi-method approach, integrating (1) qualitative content analysis of student essays dealing with the physicality of printed and online newspapers, (2) ethnographic observation of the use practices of readers and (3) expert interview. The findings show that informants perceive print and online newspapers as objects with which they have a different experience and highlight the need to develop bridging strategies combining print and digital media in order to overcome the crisis facing printed news media.
