

Body composition in children and adolescents residing in southern Europe: Prevalence of overweight and obesity according to different international references

Guillermo F. López-sánchezSixto González-vílloraNicola VeroneseLee SmithMaurizio SgroiArturo Díaz-suárezStefano D'ottavio


PhysiologyConcordance030209 endocrinology & metabolismOverweightlcsh:PhysiologyWorld healthFat mass03 medical and health sciencesBMIWHO0302 clinical medicineBMI; CGF; IOTF; WHO; fat mass; nutritional status030225 pediatricsPhysiology (medical)IOTFmedicineCGFOriginal ResearchSettore M-EDF/01 - Metodi e Didattiche delle Attivita' Motorielcsh:QP1-981business.industryTask forcefat massmedicine.diseaseObesitynutritional statusfat mass BMI nutritional status WHO IOTF CGFmedicine.symptombusinessBody mass indexKappaDemography


The objective was to analyze body composition in children and adolescents of Southern Europe to identify prevalence of overweight and obesity. This investigation involved 512 girls and 488 boys between 7-to 19-years. Variables evaluated were Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fat Mass (FM; electrical bioimpedance). The references used to establish prevalence according to BMI were those of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF); in the case of FM, the Child Growth Foundation (CGF) reference was used. There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the prevalence of overweight and obesity between the three classifications (32.3% according to IOTF, 37.3% according to WHO, and 39.8% according to CGF), being higher in males. WHO-IOTF concordance was substantial (kappa = 0.793), whereas concordances WHO-CGF (kappa = 0.504) and IOTF-CGF (kappa = 0.447) were moderate. The authors recommend evaluating overweight and obesity not only with BMI, but also with FM, and always specify the references used. Copyright © 2019 López-Sánchez, Sgroi, D'Ottavio, Díaz-Suárez, González-Víllora, Veronese and Smith. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
