

Lipidomic profiling identifies signatures of metabolic risk

Joshua KeefeAram AdourianAyse DemirkanDolores CorellaValentin FusterValentin FusterValentin FusterChristine M. WillingerMariona JovéDaniel LevyXiaoyan YinCornelia M. Van DuijnMartin G. LarsonBorja IbanezPaul CourchesneJosé L. PeñalvoManuel Portero-otinJose M. OrdovasJun LiuGeorge ChenReinald PamplonaAntonio Fernández-ortiz


Male0301 basic medicineResearch paperdhSL dihydrosphingolipidBMI body mass indexlcsh:MedicineATHEROGENIC LIPOPROTEINSBioinformaticsFHS Framingham Heart StudyPC phosphatidylcholinePESA Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis0302 clinical medicineFramingham Heart StudyRisk FactorsSAFHS San Antonio Family Heart StudyLC-MS/MS liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometryMedicineLongitudinal StudiesMetabolic riskPLASMA SPHINGOLIPID METABOLISMPOPULATIONlcsh:R5-920education.field_of_studySPHINGOMYELINCE cholesteryl esterDysglycemiaGeneral MedicineMiddle AgedLipidomePS phosphatidylserineCardiovascular diseaseLipidsMetabolic syndrome3. Good healthCARDIOVASCULAR-DISEASE030220 oncology & carcinogenesisHEARTMetS metabolic syndromeFemaleDisease SusceptibilityLGPL lysoglycerophospholipidSL sphingolipidlcsh:Medicine (General)LPE lysophosphatidylethanolamineAdultFDR false discovery rateTAG triacylglycerolPopulationCer ceramideCVD cardiovascular diseasePE phosphatidylethanolamineDENSITY-LIPOPROTEINRisk AssessmentGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular Biology03 medical and health sciencesAnimalsHumanseducationT2DM type II diabetes mellitusAgedLPC lysophosphatidylcholineSM sphingomyelinbusiness.industryCERAMIDElcsh:RHDL-C High density lipoprotein cholesterolBiomarkerLipid Metabolismmedicine.diseaseObesitySphingolipidCross-Sectional Studies030104 developmental biologyDyslipidemiaERF Erasmus Family StudyLipidomicsMetabolic syndromeINDUCED INSULIN-RESISTANCEbusinessDAG diacylglycerolBody mass indexBiomarkersDyslipidemiaMRM multiple reaction monitoringFASTING GLUCOSE


Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS), the clustering of metabolic risk factors, is associated with cardiovascular disease risk. We sought to determine if dysregulation of the lipidome may contribute to metabolic risk factors. Methods: We measured 154 circulating lipid species in 658 participants from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and tested for associations with obesity, dysglycemia, and dyslipidemia. Independent external validation was sought in three independent cohorts. Follow-up data from the FHS were used to test for lipid metabolites associated with longitudinal changes in metabolic risk factors. Results: Thirty-nine lipids were associated with obesity and eight with dysglycemia in the FHS. Of 32 lipids that were available for replication for obesity and six for dyslipidemia, 28 (88%) replicated for obesity and five (83%) for dysglycemia. Four lipids were associated with longitudinal changes in body mass index and four were associated with changes in fasting blood glucose in the FHS. Conclusions: We identified and replicated several novel lipid biomarkers of key metabolic traits. The lipid moieties identified in this study are involved in biological pathways of metabolic risk and can be explored for prognostic and therapeutic utility. The Framingham Heart Study is funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) contract N01-HC-25195. This study was made possible by a CRADA between BG Medicine, Inc., Boston University, and the NHLBI, and the laboratory work for this research was supported by the Division of Intramural Research of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Analytical work was funded by the Division of Intramural Research of NHLBI as well as the Center for Information Technology, NIH, Bethesda, MD. The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the National Institutes of Health; or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The PESA study is supported by a non-competitive unrestricted grant shared between the National Center for Cardiovascular Research Carlos III (CNIC) and the Bank of Santander. The PESA study is a noncommercial study independent of the health and pharmaceutical industry. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and the proCNIC Foundation. The study was partially funded by a grant from AstraZeneca (TANSNIP project). JMO is supported by the US Department of Agriculture, under agreement no. 8050-51000-098-00D. MPO and MJ acknowledge an Institute of Health Carlos III grant (PI 17-00134). This research was in part funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Institute of Health Carlos III (PI14/00328), co-financed by FEDER funds from the European Union (‘A way to built Europe’), and the Generalitat of Catalonia, Department of Health(SLT002/16/00250) and Department of Business and Knowledge(2017SGR696) to R.P. MJ is a Serra Húnter Fellow.
