

The Creativity of Cultural Heritages and Landscapes. Redevelopment Experiences Compared

Teresa Cilona


Settore ICAR/21 - UrbanisticaCreativity cultural heritage experiential and emotional tourism.


Italian cultural heritage – both material and immaterial - represents an extraordinary resource of economic growth, production, cohesion and social inclusion for the country. This priceless heritage, recognized around the world, is not adequately valued, understood or shared. It is often unutilized and left in a state of total abandonment and degradation. Enhancement and protection of the cultural heritage and landscape could instead feed the development potential of the territories, activate a sustainable economy, improve the quality of life of communities, create wealth that is not only economic but also beautiful; the same beauty that makes the country among the most loved and visited in the world. This study - beginning from the link that exists in Italy between culture, landscape, environmental assets and the productive fabric - intends to present some Sicilian realities in which the good practices of protection and the enhancement of material and immaterial heritage have been applied: these enchanting places of the Agrigento area, of great interest and beauty, are a destination for many travelers. They are sites where art, history, culture and traditions are inextricably combined, which have become engines of local economic development and promoters of a new form of tourism that is both experiential and emotional.

http://cdn.gangemieditore.com/import/materialiVari/WORLD HERITAGE and LEGACY - ATTI XVII Forum.pdf