

Institutions et mécanismes de gouvernance des transactions :

Benoit PigéRobert Sangué-fotso


forestry exploitationparties prenantesgouvernancepartes involucradasinstituciónlegitimacyInstitutionstransacciónstakeholderslegitimidadgovernanceexploitation forestière[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationlégitimitéexplotación forestal[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[ SHS.GESTION ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration


Institutions and governance mechanisms for transactions : the case of logging in Cameroon Following Masahiko Aoki (2010), we postulate that transactions between actors integrate not only an economic dimension but also a social dimension. This means that transactions’ equilibrium cannot be analyzed only in economic terms. They also include relational aspects that we define as social aspects. Through the study of a local forestry exploitation in Cameroon compared with a communal forestry exploitation in France, we highlight two crucial factors : the dissociation of the functions of mayor and chief of village and the coexistence of payments in cash and payments in nature. The first factor underlines the questions of legitimacy of actors. The second factor reinstates a symbolic dimension through the gift of food and makes it possible to bind in the same transaction an economic dimension and a social dimension.
