

Vertebrate/Invertebrate Trackways

Pierre DemathieuGeorges Demathieu


biologyIchnologyEcologybiology.animalPaleontologyVertebrateAnimal behaviorIchnitesInvertebrate


The Ichnology Workshop held in 1998 in Bornholm, DK, evidenced significant differences between approaches used for studying vertebrate and invertebrate ichnites. In particular, trackways are used more in invertebrate ichno-studies than in vertebrate studies. This is due to the intrinsic characteristics of each category, primarily the multiple consequences of the order of magnitude gap in sizes, the opportunity to have more taxonomic information of the trackmaker with vertebrate ichnites, the usefulness of correlations with biotopes and facies with invertebrate ichnites, and practical parameters such as the probability of findings. That vertebrate and invertebrate ichnologists exchange ideas could certainly bring progress, however, significant differences between the two fields certainly remain. Using information on animal behavior to define ichnotaxobases would not be acceptable for most vertebrate tracks.
