

Access to Higher Education: An Instrument for Fair Societies?

Gaële GoastellecJussi Välimaa


inequalitySociology and Political ScienceUngleichheit0211 other engineering and technologiesuniversity level of education02 engineering and technologySociology & anthropologySocial group050602 political science & public administrationta516Hochschulbildungmedia_commonCorporate governance05 social sciencesmethodology021107 urban & regional planningPublic relationsoikeudenmukaisuusDemocracy0506 political sciencesocial stratificationlcsh:Sociology (General)university admissionhigher educationBildungs- und ErziehungssoziologieeriarvoisuusHochschulzugangddc:301BildungschanceSocial PsychologyHigher educationmedia_common.quotation_subjectlcsh:HM401-1281opiskelijavalinnateducational opportunityPoliticssoziale SchichtungPolitical sciencefair accesstheoryEquity (economics)business.industrymetodologiaSocial stratificationSociology of EducationSoziologie Anthropologiekorkea-asteen koulutusAccess to Higher Educationbusiness


Access to higher education (HE) has a long history. To offer a view on the current debates and worldwide issues regarding access to HE, this editorial depicts how the control of educational access has historically been used as an instrument of governance at the interface of two processes: social stratification and the territorialisation of politics. Access to HE has remained embedded in these large structural processes even though HE has expanded from a highly elitist institution into mass education systems with equity of educational opportunities having become a desirable goal across societies. Analysing these processes helps understand the complex mechanisms producing inequalities in HE today, which are brought together by the ten articles composing this special issue. Tacking stock of how inequalities in access are produced in different continents, countries, HE Institutions, applying to different social groups though evolving mechanisms, these articles document the importance of contrasting methodological and theoretical approaches to produce comprehensive knowledge on this sensitive issue for democratic societies.
