

Dal quadro al modello virtuale: una ricostruzione tridimensionale interattiva dell'Albergheria di Palermo nel 1749

Gianmarco GirgentiF MarroneB. Salerno


Analisi urbanaRiconfigurazione tridimensionaleSettore ICAR/17 - DisegnoVisualizzazione immersiva


This study suggests a virtual three-dimensional reconstruction of a large urban portion of Palermo Historical Centre modelled on an isometrical view of the 17th century entitled Descrizzione del distretto parrocchiale dell’Albergheria fatta l’anno 1749. It is a painting on canvas that has been kept inside the parish of S.Nicolò all’Albergheria, and which in latter days has been taken by the Museum of Palermo Diocese where it is presently exposed to the public. The work presents different levels of interest for the reading of urban ancient morphology which now has disappeared and for the right information of road textures, blocks and monuments represented there. The digital elaboration that has been made has been overlayed to a second three-dimensional model that has been got from the present maps of Palermo Historical Centre which describe the present configuration of the quarter: thus the model which derives from the 17th century representation has been referred to the real quotes of the ground and to the elevations of the existing buildings which are illustrated and described in the picture. Then all the proposed material has been used to make a new reading of the work and to propose its transformation in a “visual hypertext”. All the elements of the picture have been “translated” as file folders, links about the town history and of its monuments, either disappeared or still existing.
