

La réformation de la coutume d'Auxerre : histoire externe

Stéphane Kotovtchikhine


Histoire du droit[SHS.DROIT]Humanities and Social Sciences/Law[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LawAuxerreHistoire modernecomptes de la réformationCoutumes[ SHS.DROIT ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Lawcartographie de la coutumeChristophe de Thou


The reform of customary laws of Auxerre : external analysis. The first text of the customary law of the bailiwick of Auxerre (1507) underwent a reform in 1561, the changes coming within the scope of the campaign led by the first President of the Parliament of Paris, Christophe de Thou. This article deals with an external analysis of the implementation of the reform. First, we have related the three stages of the reform : the preparatory work, the general assembly and the drafting of a formal text. For the first time, we have stidied the accounting practices of the reform, which brought to light precious information about procedures, protagonists, expenses and salaries. The second part concerns the disputes arising during the general assembly about the sphere of application of the customary law of Auxerre. The protesters unsuccessfully demanded the implementation of a local customary law or that of another area (Sens, Troyes, Montargis-Lorris, the region of Nevers). These claims can probably be explained by the fact that the boundaries of the bailiwick of Auxerre were determined during the interval between the drafting of these two documents. They also show a certain resistance to the unification of customary laws in the bailiwick of Auxerre, a unification within a bailiwick ofa defined territory.
