

Paléométallurgie dans le Morvan : l’apport des analyses polliniques et géochimiques

Isabelle Jouffroy-bapicotBenoît ForelFabrice MonnaChristophe Petit


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciences


Palaeometallurgical activities in the Morvan: the contribution of pollen and geochemical analyses Palaeoenvironmental research was carried out on three peat cores collected in the Morvan mid-level mountain (burgundy, France), documenting early palaeometallurgical activities from the 2nd millennium bc. Pollen and geochemical analyses show contemporaneous clearings of forests in close connection with metallic contaminations. the comparison between each of the three sites shows that this kind of study in such an environment documents a local impact of paleometallurgy. studying many sequences allows the reconstruction of the regional history of the Morvan Mountain. thus, the Morvan could have been an ore-producing area since the beginning of the bronze Age.
