

Baseline port surveys for invasive marine species in the Northeastern Baltic

Anda IkaunieceSolvita StrakeVadims Jermakovs


Baltic seaEnvironmental protectionBaseline (sea)Environmental scienceMarine ecosystemEcosystemWater tanksAlien speciesPort (computer networking)Marine species


Marine ecosystems around the world are being transformed and degraded by non-indigenous species, which affect the structure and function of the ecosystem, causing major ecological and economic implications. Ships have been recognized as a major vector for the introduction of non-indigenous harmful organisms, carrying them in ballast water tanks and sediments. Activities to prevent and mitigate the impact of invasive alien species have to be based on cooperation. Financed by Phare Cross Border Co-operation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region (2005–2006) Latvia together with Estonia will focus on baseline port surveys for non-indigenous species in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea.
