

La Ley General de Educación y la Pedagogía. Reencuentro y señal

Alejandro Mayordomo Pérez


HistoryPolitical scienceCultural contextScientific rationalityGeneral educationHumanitiesEducation


espanolEl articulo presenta una amplia perspectiva historica sobre las consideraciones pedagogicas que caracterizan y se proponen en la reforma de la educacion basica en la Espana de 1970. Para ello el texto desarrolla una descripcion e interpretacion de documentos legislativos, politicos y tecnicos; y precisa los contextos, las innovaciones, las contradicciones y las insuficiencias de la Ley Villar Palasi. Basicamente el autor trata de identificar y mostrar las caracteristicas que presenta la racionalidad cientifica o modelo tecnico de la reforma, la falta de correspondencia o conexion entre la pedagogia defendida, el contexto social y cultural, y las politicas concretas que debian activarse para cumplir sus objetivos. Finalmente, hay que senalar que este trabajo intenta clarificar el sentido de la Ley General de Educacion en la historia educativa de Espana. EnglishThis paper undertakes a historical overview of the pedagogical considerations and references that characterize the basic educational reform in Spain in 1970. To do so, the text offers a description and interpretation of technical, political and legal documentation. Additionally, it clarifies the contexts, orientations, innovations and shortcomings of the legislation, known as the Villar Palasi law. Basically, the author attempts to demonstrate the characteristics of the scientific rationality or technical model of the law and its reform. The article also addresses the lack of agreement between the pedagogy being defended, the social and cultural context, and the specific policies that needed to be introduced in order for the reform to achieve its objectives. And finally, this work tries to clarify the significance of this General Education Act in the educational history of Spain.
