

Interactions of α-tocopherol with biomembrane models: Binding to dry lecithin reversed micelles

V. Turco LiveriLeopoldo CerauloA. RuggirelloFelice FilizzolaDavid BongiornoMirella FerrugiaAlessandro LongoAndrea Mele


Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopyfood.ingredientreversed micelleChemistry Pharmaceuticalmedicine.medical_treatmentPharmaceutical Sciencevitamin EMicelleLecithinDrug IncompatibilitySurface-Active Agentschemistry.chemical_compoundfoodPulmonary surfactantalpha-tocopherolPhosphatidylcholineSpectroscopy Fourier Transform InfraredmedicineOrganic chemistryTocopherolCarbon TetrachlorideMicellesVitamin EBiological membraneVitaminsintermolecular interactionlecithinchemistryPhosphatidylcholinesBiophysicslipids (amino acids peptides and proteins)solubilization.alpha-Tocopherol


Abstract The state of α-tocopherol (Vitamin E) in solutions of dry lecithin reversed micelles dispersed in an apolar medium has been investigated as a function of the Vitamin E to surfactant molar ratio (RVE) at fixed surfactant concentration by FT-IR, 1H NMR and SAXS with the aim to emphasize the role played by anisotropic intermolecular interactions and confinement effects as driving forces of its partitioning between apolar bulk solvent and polar nanodomains and of mutual Vitamin E/reversed micelle effects. It has been found that its binding strength to reversed micelles, triggered by steric and orientational constrains, is mainly regulated by specific interactions between the hydrophilic groups both of Vitamin E and surfactant. Moreover, the RVE dependence of the Vitamin E distribution constant and of the micellar size suggest that the inclusion of increasing amounts of Vitamin E in reversed micelles involves substantial changes in the structural and dynamical properties of the micellar aggregates. The occurrence of mutual effects and the partitioning of Vitamin E between hydrophilic/hydrophobic interfaces and apolar domains allow to infer some important biological implications concerning the capacity of Vitamin E to scavenge free radicals arising from hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic domains, possible variations of its local reactivity respect to that observed in bulk as well as its significant influence on the stability of biomembranes.
