Relationships between work-family culture and work attitudes at both individual and the department level
Saija MaunoUlla KinnunenNoona Kiurusubject
business.industrymedia_common.quotation_subjectWork engagementApplied psychologyStructural equation modelingWork (electrical)Information and Communications TechnologyPerceptionHealth careJob satisfactionbusinessPsychologySocial psychologyApplied Psychologyta515media_commondescription
There is a need to better understand the nature of work-family culture and its relationships with job-related outcomes. The main objective of this study was to investigate the associations between a supportive work-family culture and work attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, work engagement, turnover intentions) at both the individual and work departmental level. Survey-based data were gathered from 52 Finnish work departments (1219 individuals) in the domains of health care, ICT, and the paper industry. Data were analysed via multilevel structural equation modelling. Work-family culture was assessed via managers’ supportiveness, organizational time demands, and the expected career consequences of taking up work-family-related benefits. The results showed, first, that employees in the same work department shared similar perceptions of the department's work-family culture and work attitudes; second, the perceptions of the work-family culture shared within the work department as well as employees’ individual ...
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-04-01 | Work & Stress |