

Population genetics of cucumber mosaic virus infecting medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants from northern Italy

Ezequiel A. RangelStefano PannoMario DavinoMaria Grazia BellardiSalvatore DavinoLuis Rubio


Nonsynonymous substitutionORNAMENTAL PLANTSMolecular Sequence DataPopulationPopulation geneticsBiologyGENETIC CHARACTERIZATIONCucumovirusNucleotide diversityCucumber mosaic virusVirologyGenetic variationBotanyCluster AnalysisSelection GeneticeducationPhylogenyGeneticseducation.field_of_studySequence Homology Amino AcidPhylogenetic treeCMVGenetic Variationfood and beveragesSettore AGR/12 - Patologia VegetaleSequence Analysis DNAGeneral MedicinePlantsPlant Viral Movement ProteinsGenetics PopulationAmino Acid SubstitutionItalyGenetic structureRNA ViralOFFICINAL PLANTSCMV Population genetics


An epidemiological survey carried at the Herb Garden of Casola Valsenio (Emilia Romagna region; Northern Italy) from 2006 to 2009 resulted in finding Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) as the infectious agent of several ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants. All CMV-infected plant species showed leaf symptoms followed, in some cases, by flower colour-breaking and stunting. Genetic analysis consisted in the characterization of movement protein gene of each CMV-isolate by single strand polymorphism analysis and sequencing. Phylogenetic trees identified only two isolates as member of subgroup II, while all other isolates were part of subgroup IA. This survey confirms an unexpected increment of CMV diffusion within ‘herb’ crops and reveals at least two different accession.
