

EMNCS– Lessons On The Way To An Innovation-based Development. Setting The Backgrounds

Claudia Ogrean


EntrepreneurshipcompetitivenessHF5001-6182Social PsychologyEconomics Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)emncfdiForeign direct investmentinnovationniciPower (social and political)Multinational corporationScale (social sciences)EconomicsBusiness Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)EMNC Competitiveness FDI Innovation NICIBusinessMarketingEmerging marketsBusiness managementIndustrial organization


Abstract The main focus of (the two parts of) this article is on the emerging countries and their development paths. Particularly, it emphasizes on the role and contribution of innovation (of all kinds, in all its forms) for multinational companies from emerging economies (EMNC); the entire research endeavor is placed under the auspices of the knowledge-based society - the one that makes knowledge the ultimate source of power, enabling entities to use and potentially multiply it at the same time at global scale. Analyzing the situation of some emerging economies (starting from their best ranked multinationals), the article draws some empirical and theoretical conclusions on the ways knowledge and innovation could become determinants of progress beyond national boundaries.
