Sabiedrība Latvijas teritorijā: saskarsmes un procesi vēsturē: tēzes, 2022. gada 3. un 4. marts
Latvijas Universitāte. 80. Zinātniskā KonferenceLatvijas Universitāte. Latvijas Vēstures Institūtssubject
Padomju sieviešu un ārzemnieku kontaktiK. Šulca "Kurzemes stāstu grāmata"Okupācija Latvijas provincē preses skatījumāImporta akmensmasas keramikaTuraidas Baznīckalna arheoloģiskā izpēte:HUMANITIES and RELIGION [Research Subject Categories]Cilvēktiesību neievērošana PSRSFotogrāfiju nozīme 19. gs. apģērba vēstures pētniecībāZemnieku mobilitāte 17.-18. gs.description
This volume brings together the abstracts of papers presented at the session “Society in the Territory of Latvia: Contacts and Processes in History” held by the Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia on 3–4 March 2022 in the frame of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. The abstracts reflect the contribution by historians, archaeologists and ethnologists from the Institute of Latvian History, University of Latvia, National Library of Latvia, Specially Protected Cultural Monument – Turaida Museum Reserve, and the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia to the study of topical issues in history. Archaeological research reveals issues of origin and distribution related to imported ceramics, as well as the results of archaeological research at Turaida Church Hill. The research of the history of Latvian peasants of the 17th–19th century is dedicated to the information found in the materials of the Jesuit archives of Dünaburg, mobility and diversity of economic activities, women's traditional clothing and the possibilities of its reconstruction. The activities of a British merchant resident in Riga and issues of enlightenment and history in the literature have also been assessed. Archival evidence of the families of the recruits and photographs as a source of research on peasants’ clothing have been analyzed. With the help of information published in the press, the reflection of the performance of Africans’ troupe in the 700th anniversary program of Riga, and the Soviet occupation in the regions of Latvia has been investigated. The reports analyze the Nazi actions in the extermination of mentally ill patients, the control methods used by the KGB and the militia, aspects of the political activities of the Latvians in exile and the tools of social memory mobilization in Russia. The reports included in the conference reflect the latest achievements of historians, in which the research of contacts and processes important in the history of Latvia is revealed.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2022-03-03 |