

Domestic Violence: Women’s Profile With Social Care

Francisco González SalaAdelina Gimeno Collado


lcsh:Psychologyprevenciónintervención comunitarialcsh:BF1-990ayudas socialesperfil de la mujer maltratada


The profile of women having suffered domestic violence is presented. It is based on a study made on 297 women who receive social care from the Valencia Council. 37,3% of the women in this group has suffered domestic violence. The profile of these women, compared with the ones belonging to the same group who don’t suffer domestic violence, is characterized by the following features: non-gypsy ethnic group, one-parent familiar structure, marital status separated, several previous sentimental relationships, and psychological problems. In other features which characterize the women receiving social care, like studies level, labour situation, familiar and non-familiar support, no significant differences where appreciated. Based on the present information’s, advise on prevention and community intervention is considered.
