

A study of tau decays involving eta and omega mesons

Buskulic DDebonis IDecamp DGhez PGoy CLees JpLucotte JpMinard MnNief JyOdier PPietrzyk BCasado MpChmeissani MCrespo JmDelfino JmEfthymiopoulos IFernandez EFernandezbosman MGarrido LJuste AMartinez MOrteu SPadilla CPark IcPascual APerlas JaRiu ISanchez FTeubert FColaleo ACreanza DDepalma MGelao GGirone MIaselli GMaggi GMaggi MMarinelli NNuzzo SRanieri ARaso GRuggieri FSelvaggi GSilvestris LTempesta PTricomi AZito GHuang XLin JOuyang QWang TXie YXu RXue SZhang JZhang LZhao WAlemany RBazarko AoBonvicini GBrightthomas PCattaneo MComas PCoyle PDrevermann HForty RwFrank MHagelberg RHarvey JJanot PJost BKneringer EKnobloch JLehraus ILutters GMartin EbMato PMinten AMiquel RMir LimMoneta LOest TPacheco APusztaszeri JfRanjard FRensing PRizzo GSchlatter DSchmelling MSchmitt MSchneider OTejessy WTomalin IrVenturi AWachsmuth HWagner AAjaltouni ZBarres ABoyer CFalvard AGay PGuicheney CHenrard PJousset JMichel BMonteil SMontret JcPallin DPerret PPodlyski FProriol JRosnet PRossignol JmFearnley THansen JbHansen JdHansen JrHansen PhNilsson BsRensch BWaananen AKyriakis AMarkou CSimopoulou ESiotis IVayaki AZachariadou KBlondel ABonneaud GBrient JcBourdon PRouge ARumpf MValassi AVerderi MVideau HCandlin DjParsons MiFocardi EParrini GCorden MGeorgiopoulos CJaffe DeAntonelli ABencivenni GBologna GBossi FCampana PCapon GChiarella DcvFelici GLaurelli PMannocchi GMurtas FMurtas GpPassalacqua LPepealtarelli MCurtis LDorris SjHalley AwKnowles IgLynch JgOshea VRaine CReeves PScarr JmSmith KTeixeiradias PThompson AsThompson FThorn STurnbull RmBecker UGeweniger CGraefe GHanke PHansper GHepp VKluge EePutzer ASchmidt MSommer JStenzel HTittel KWerner SWunsch MAbbaneo DBeuselinck RBinnie DmCameron WDornan PjMoutoussi ANash JSedgbeer JkStacey AmWilliams MdDissertori GGirtler PKuhn DRudolph GBetteridge ApBowdery CkColrain PCrawford GFinch AjFoster FHughes GSloan TWilliams MiGalla AGiehl IGreene AmHoffmann CJakobs KKleinknecht KQuast GRenk BRohne ESander HgVangemmeren PZeitnitz CAubert JjBencheikh AmBenchouk CBonissent ABujosa GCalvet DCarr JDiaconu CEtienne FKonstantinidis NPayre PRousseau DTalby MSadouki AThulasidas MTrabelsi KAleppo MRagusa FBauer CBerlich RBlum WBuscher VDietl HDydak FGanis GGotzhein CKroha HLutjens GLutz GManner WMoser HgRichter RRosadoschlosser ASchael SSettles RSeywerd HStdenis RStenzel HWiedenmamm WWolf GBoucrot JCallot OChoi YCordier ADavier MDuflot LGrivaz JfHeusse PHocker AJacholkowska AJacquet MKim DwLediberder FLefrancois JLutz AmNikolic IPark HjSchune MhSimion SVeillet JjVideau IZerwas DAzzurri PBagliesi GBatignani GBettarini SBozzi CCalderini GCarpinelli MCiocci MaCiulli VDellorso RFantechi RFerrante IFoa LForti FGiassi AGiorgi MaGregorio AAlberto LusianiMarrocchesi PsMessineo APalla FSanguinetti GSciaba ASpagnolo PSteinberger JTenchini RTonelli GVannini CVerdini PgWalsh JBlair GaBryant LmCerutti FChambers JtGao YGreen MgMedcalf TPerrodo PStrong JaVonwimmerspergtoeller JhBotterill DrClifft RwEdgecock TrHaywood SMaley PNorton PrThompson JcWright AeBlochdevaux BColas PEmery SKozanecki WLancon ELemaire McLocci EMarx BPerez PRander JRenardy JfRoussarie ASchuller JpSchwindling JTrabelsi AVallage BBlack SnDann JhJohnson RpKim HyLitke AmMcneil HaTaylor GBooth CnBoswell RBrew CajCartwright SCombley FKoksal ALetho MNewton WmReeve JThompson LfBohrer ABrandt SCowan GGrupen CMinguetrodriguez JRivera FSaraiva PSmolik LStephan FAppolonio MBosisio LDellamarina RGiannini GGobbo BMusolino GRothberg JWasserbaech SArmstrong SrElmer PFeng ZFerguson DpsGao YsGonzalez SGrahl JGreening TcHayes OjHu HMcnamara PaNachtman JmOrejudos WPan YbSaadi YScott IjWalsh AmWu SlWu XYamartino JmZheng MZobernig G.Luigi RolandiFranco Ligabue


PhysicsParticle physicsAnnihilationPhysics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)Meson[PHYS.HEXP] Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]010308 nuclear & particles physicsElectron–positron annihilation01 natural sciencesOmegaIsospin0103 physical sciences[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]010306 general physicsParticle Physics - ExperimentLepton


The 132 pb(-1) of data collected by ALEPH from 1991 to 1994 have been used to analyze eta and omega production in 7 decays. The following branching fractions have been measured: B(tau(-) --> nu(tau)omega h(-)) = (1.91 +/- 0.07 +/- 0.06) x 10(-2), B(tau(-) --> nu(tau)omega h(-)pi(0)) = (4.3 +/- 0.6 +/- 0.5) x 10(-3), B(tau(-) --> nu(tau)eta K-) = (2.9(-1.2)(+1.3) +/- 0.7) x 10(-4), B(tau(-) --> nu(tau)eta(h)(-)pi(0)) = (1.8 +/- 0.4 +/- 0.2) x 10(-3) and the 95% C.L. limit B(tau(-) --> nu(tau)eta pi(-)) < 6.2 x 10(-4) has been obtained. The omega pi(-) and eta pi(-)pi(0) rates and dynamics are found in agreement with the predictions made from e(+)e(-) annihilation data with the help of isospin invariance (CVC). RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Richard/C-8997-2012; Sanchez, Federico/F-5809-2012; Forti, Francesco/H-3035-2011; Ferrante, Isidoro/F-1017-2012
