

Twisting graphene nanoribbons into carbon nanotubes

Jussi TimonenLakshminarayanan MahadevanTuomas TallinenTuomas TallinenOleg O. KitPekka Koskinen


Condensed Matter - Materials ScienceMaterials scienceCondensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physicsta114Grapheneta221Selective chemistry of single-walled nanotubeschemistry.chemical_elementPhysics::OpticsMaterials Science (cond-mat.mtrl-sci)FOS: Physical sciencesMechanical properties of carbon nanotubesNanotechnologyCarbon nanotubeCondensed Matter PhysicsElectronic Optical and Magnetic MaterialsNanomaterialslaw.inventionOptical properties of carbon nanotubeschemistrylawMesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall)CarbonGraphene nanoribbons


Although carbon nanotubes consist of honeycomb carbon, they have never been fabricated from graphene directly. Here, it is shown by quantum molecular-dynamics simulations and classical continuum-elasticity modeling, that graphene nanoribbons can, indeed, be transformed into carbon nanotubes by means of twisting. The chiralities of the tubes thus fabricated can be not only predicted but also externally controlled. This twisting route is an opportunity for nanofabrication, and is easily generalizable to ribbons made of other planar nanomaterials.
