

Translingual and translocal perspectives on writing : An introduction

Maria KuteevaTaina Saarinen


kääntäminentieteellinen kirjoittaminenkirjallisuuscreative writingacademic writingGeneral Medicinewritingtranslocaltranslinguallokalisointikielenkäyttömonikielisyysluova kirjoittaminenkirjoittaminen


This special issue has been inspired by presentations and discussions which took place during the first workshop of our  NOS-HS research network ‘The Politics and Ideologies of Multilingual Writing’ (Stockholm University, 27-28 May 2021). In this issue, we explore translingual and translocal perspectives, zooming in on various aspects of writing, from its legitimacy to its localities. Our focus is on writing for publication by authors with multilingual repertoires and/or working in multilingual settings. Unlike previous research, which focused on academic, journalistic, and creative writing as separate domains, we aim to bring together researchers working in different subfields of linguistics, literary studies, and education, giving ways to new understandings of translingual and translocal dimensions in our writing. 
