

L'alimentation carnée à Aventicum/Avenches capitale des Helvètes (Ier s. - IVe s. apr. J.-C.) Suisse, canton de Vaud

Caroline Lachiche


huntingbasse-courAvencheshabitatAntiquitéarchéozoologiemeat diet[SHS]Humanities and Social SciencesboucherieAntiquitySuissechassefarmyardagglomerationalimentation carnéeélevageartisanatresidential districtsagglomérationarchaeozoologybreedingcrafts.urbain[SHS] Humanities and Social SciencesbutcherySwitzerland


This first synthesis concerns the animal bones, discovered since 1975 in Aventicum, the capital of Roman Switzerland. It is supported by the analysis of several residential districts, public sectors and suburbs, which represent five hundred chronological complexes and 74000 animal bones, dated from the Ist, to the IVth Century AD. During these centuries, Aventicum was incorporated to the Roman province of Gallia Belgica, then was raised to the status of a colonia and finally declined with the Empire.The analysis of bones was made to study various mutations which occurred during the occupation of the city. They include an improvement of breeding techniques, a new internal city organisation, made around the butchery and crafts and changes of the food mode, characterized by new consumed species, farmyard’s birds for example, or products of the hunting.Food is also subject to economic and social constraints, connected with the diversity of the housing districts. These trends are represented by the nature of the consumed species, from the main domesticated mammals, to the secondary species, but also by the choice and the quality of the meat pieces.This work allows to detect a deep evolution generated by the acculturation of new roman values, especially in the private food, but also in a new organisation commanded by the town planning.
