

Calculation of phase diagrams for models of metallic alloys

Kurt Binder


Metallic alloyMaterials scienceSimple (abstract algebra)Experimental dataBinary numberStatistical mechanicsStatistical physicsPhase diagram


We briefly review a longstanding problem of metallurgy and statistical physics, namely, the prediction of phase diagrams of binary alloys from simple model assumptions on the atomic interactions, such as Ising-type models. Various methods of statistical mechanics which have been applied to this problem are introduced and compared to each other, such as the cluster-variation method and Monte-Carlo simulation. The merits as well as the limitations of these methods are discussed, emphasizing examples of fcc and bcc lattices which are potentially relevant for the problem of short-range order and long-range order in metallic alloys such as Cu−Au, Ni−Cr, and Fe−Al.A brief comparison with corresponding experimental data is given. It is shown that the models studied here also exhibit interesting critical and multicritical phenomena.
