

Stormwater Source Control as a Strategy for Sustainable Development: State of the Practice and Perceived Trends

G. RivardG. RaimbaultS. BarraudGabriele FreniB. EllisM. ZaizenR. AshleyM. QuigleyE. Strecker


sustainable developmentBMPs design criteriaBMPs effectivenessintegrated water managementtormwater source control


The primary objective of the paper is to draw upon the experiences acquired in many parts of the world to provide an up-to-date summary of the state of the practice for source control techniques and approaches, in a sustainable development context. After a discussion of the prevailing context for urban drainage approaches, three main themes covering techniques and design criteria, institutional aspects and performance issues are discussed relative to source control implementation. The discussion is based on findings from the compilation and analysis of available literature, recently developed databases, the experience of the different members of the SOCOMA group and recent research on design methodologies that explicitly seek to better couple effective design and achievement of performance goals. The paper also discusses perceived trends in the selection, analysis, and implementation of source controls, highlighting the areas where knowledge is lacking and providing recommendations on needs for future research.
