

Positive Psychological Interventions and Information and Communication Technologies

Rosa M. BañosErnestina EtchemendyCristina BotellaAlba Carrillo-vega


Information and Communications TechnologyApplied psychology05 social sciencesPsychological intervention050109 social psychology0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesPsychology050105 experimental psychology


Since the advent of Positive Psychology there has been a connection between positive psychological interventions (PPIs) and the digital world. The development of PPIs, especially those delivered online, is becoming widespread within and outside the scientific field. Therefore, there is currently a need for accurate information that provides a critical view of all the interventions currently available. This chapter presents an updated review of the relationship between these two fields (PPIs and technologies), and discusses relevant considerations that should be taken into account when technologies are used to deliver PPIs, as well as the elements that can moderate their effectiveness. The final aim of the chapter is to provide readers with basic tools to make critical judgments about PPIs delivered via a technological format.
