

Behind the Scenes of Scenario-Based Training: Understanding Scenario Design and Requirements in High-Risk and Uncertain Environments

Nadia Saad NooriY. WangM. ComesH.k. Lukosch


Humanitarian simulation exerciseinterorganizational coordinationcollective learningscenario design process


Simulation exercises as a training tool for enhancing preparedness for emergency response are widely adopted in disaster management. This paper addresses current scenario design processes, proposes an alternative approach for simulation exercises and introduces a conceptual design of an adaptive scenario generator. Our work is based on a systematic literature review and observations made during TRIPLEX-2016 exercise in Farsund, Norway. The planning process and scenario selection of simulation exercises impact directly the effectiveness of intra- and interorganizational cooperation. However, collective learning goals are rarely addressed and most simulations are focused on institution-specific learning goals. Current scenario design processes are often inflexible and begin from scratch for each exercise. In our approach, we address both individual and collective learning goals and the demand to develop scenarios on different layers of organizational learning. Further, we propose a scenario generator that partly automates the scenario selection and adaptively responds to the exercise evolvement.
