

Le dialogue juge - arbitre dans la création et l'application de normes juridiques

Martial Pernet


lex mercatoriadroit transnational[SHS.DROIT] Humanities and Social Sciences/Lawarbitral justicejuge d'appuiarbitratortransnational lawpublic policy provisionsNormes juridiquesautonomy of arbitrationordre publicIex mercatoriaarbitreDialogue entre jugesjustice arbitrale[SHS]Humanities and Social Sciencesautonomie de l'arbitragejuge[SHS.DROIT]Humanities and Social Sciences/Lawstate justiceDret Interpretaciójudgejustice étatique[SHS] Humanities and Social Sciences


The relations between state and arbitral justice, which were previously conflictual, have now clearly calmed down. Indeed, judges today are maintaining a constructive dialogue with arbitrators, which has led to both the creation and the application of transnational law. This communication thus reviews the main phases of this normative construction, whose completion has led to the strengthening of arbitration in these functions of international commercial justice.
