

Housekeepers lost in the Land of Labor Market Segmentation

Christine GuégnardSylvie-anne Mériot


[SHS.SOCIO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Sociology[SHS.SOCIO] Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyLow wage workersActeurs sociauxHousekeepersFemmeSegmentation du marché du travail[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationFemme de chambreWorking conditionsHôtellerie[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[ SHS.SOCIO ] Humanities and Social Sciences/SociologyLabour marketLabour market segmentationCondition de travailFemaleFranceSocial actorsRégulation du marché du travailEmploi à bas salaireRegulationMarché du travail


07022 - 13 p.; This communication analyses the role that the main social actors, employers, trade unions and the French government play in labour market regulations, especially in working conditions, for feminine low wage workers. Labor market segmentation and the dual market theory (Doeringer and Piore, 1971), with on one hand qualified workers employed in attractive and stable positions, and on the other hand manpower in low-paid and insecure jobs, often in back-breaking working conditions, are not new. However, they have recently reappeared in the situation of housekeepers in the French hotel industry, where there are particularly few chances of career ladders, and on the contrary, there are major risks for being excluded from the labor market.
