

Relativistic scattering theory of charged spinless particles

M. HannemannE. O. Alt


PhysicsScattering amplitudeScatteringQuantum mechanicsQuantum electrodynamicsGeneral Physics and AstronomyScattering lengthRelativistic quantum mechanicsScattering theoryMott scatteringLippmann–Schwinger equationS-matrix


In the context of a relativistic quantum mechanics we discuss the scattering of two and three charged spinless particles. The corresponding transition operators are shown to satisfy four-dimensional Lippmann-Schwinger and eight-dimensional Faddeev-type equations, respectively. A simplified model of two particles with Coulomb interaction can be solved exactly. We calculate: (i) The partial waveS-matrix from which we extract the bound state spectrum. The latter agrees with a fourth-order result of Schwinger, (ii) The full scattering amplitude which in the weakfield limit coincides with the expression derived by Fried et al. from eikonalized QED.
