

The Bourbons in Sicily: Reflections on the Tutelage of Monuments and Hunting Reserves

Nicola Cusumano


Bourbon reform-ismarcheologySettore M-STO/02 - Storia ModernaCasina CineseMonumental custodyMicrobiologyFicuzza


In the Kingdom of Sicily in the seventies of the Eighteenth century king Ferdinand of Bourbon, thanks to the decisive intervention of the local rul-ing élite, proceeded to bring into the list of the interests of the state ar-chaeological findings. The king prohibited the unauthorized export of the finds and proceeded, on the basis of the Neapolitan example, in the organi-zation of the Regia Custodia, a monumental and archaeological custody plan. In December 1798 Ferdinando and Maria Carolina then moved the court to Palermo, starting the construction of hunting reserves in the Nea-politan model, such as the Ficuzza estate, and promoted new areas for pro-duction purposes. Within this building plan, the Casina Cinese of the park of the Favorita of Palermo stands out, designed for the delight of the sover-eign, but which briefly witnessed the political upheavals between the 18th and 19th centuries and developments that would prove to be dramatic for the monarchy.
