

Impact de la conduite des cultures intermédiaires sur la flore adventice : résultats de l’analyse de 31 essais

Villefourceix-gimenezNathalie ColbachStéphane CordeauDelphine MoreauSebastien MinetteJérome Labreuche


culture intermédiairesoil coverage[SDV] Life Sciences [q-bio]abundancecouverture du sol weedbiomassabondancebiomassecover cropadventice


Data of 31 field trials were analysed to quantify the impact of cover crops grown during summerfallow on weeds during this period. Results show that weed abundance at the date of cover-cropdestruction greatly varies between experimental locations which differed in terms of pedoclimate,previous crop etc. Cover-crop above-ground biomass did not impact weed plant density. However,weed above-ground biomass decreased with increasing cover-crop biomass. Cover-crop speciesgreatly differed in their ability to reduce weed biomass, according to their own biomass, their speedof soil coverage at early stages and their above-ground plant morphology. Cover crops with highlevels of biomass and rapid soil coverage strongly reduced weed biomass but without eliminatingweeds entirely. Weeds density monitored in crops following the cover crops were neithercorrelated to weeds abundance during the fallow period nor to cover crop biomass
