

フィンランドの段階的支援としてのプロコウルプロジェクトの展開と実践 [The Deployment and Practice of Three Tier Support System 'Prokoulu' for Children with Special Educational Needs in Finland]

Korenaga KanakoYada AkieTakumi Yada


positiivisuusProKouluerityisopetuskolmiportainen tukiperuskoulutoimintamallitoppilaatkäyttäytymishäiriöt


The purpose of this paper is to overview Prokoulu project in Finland that has been introduced to overcome severe school conditions. We scrutinized lecture materials about Prokoulu written by a principal related Iiterature and results of a visit survey. The data revealed that Prokoulu is a three-tier support system that enhances children's behavior by "positive feedback". Before implementing the project for children, teachers are required to change the relationships among colleagues positively in order to become models for children. Teachers, children and parents share fundamental values, and write up desirable behavior The set of goal behavior is clearly indicated to children in positive form, and immediate evaluations focusing on favorable actions are kept in teachers' mind. Although changing teachers' attitudes are not easy, the teachers are developing each other continuously and consciously under the leadership of the principal. They are cooperating with universities and research institutes to evaluate the project results. Children's behavior change according to which behavior the teachers focus on. One of the crucial principles is that teachers need to change their attitudes by themselves. nonPeerReviewed
