


Munder A Mohamed




It’s known that the language is the voice of all citizens by which they express their feelings and thoughts and is a means of understanding between human beings despite the different languages between them. Each language has its own rules and principles of language mastery fluent to express and provides its information to others with ease. Is well known that the Arabs had a great quality of rhetoric and eloquence of language and at that time excelled in various sciences, thanks to their proficiency of the Arabic language, for example, the famous mathematicians ß…bir’…ibn ðay…n and Mu|ammed ’…ibn M™s… …l-³aw…rizmy and their great contributions to the science of mathematics and especially the biggest invention of mankind which is the zero. Unfortunately, those Arabic speakers, and some who study, are not good at grammar of the Arabic language, really hate it. The important thing is that specialists in other disciplines have different understanding of this language, but specialized in science are capable of understanding and recognition of this language, and especially its grammar. In particular, in such a way that almost corresponds with math, grammar is only one rule is applied leads to language intact, and the mathematical laws that are applied in order to reach a conclusion. The first chapter give a faithful comprehensive and simplified definition of the concept of human language, from where it is a means of communication between humans. And give the link between language as knowledge and its impact to the rest of Sciences. The language does not differ in substance from other means of expression, such as drawing or movement, or act ... etc. Here clarify the definition of linguistic expression. We will dedicate here to talk about the Arabic language, and its history, geography And the different dialects. We will look also to a comprehensive illustration to Arabic alphabet, and its relationship to the historical ways of the counting and calculation, as in Abjad Numerals. In the Arabic handwriting of everyday use, in general publications, and on street signs, short vowels are typically not written. On the other hand, copies of the Qur’ān cannot be endorsed by the religious institutes that review them unless the diacritics are included. Children's books, elementary-school texts, and Arabic-language grammars in general will include diacritics to some degree. These are known as "vocalized" texts. And giving an explanation of the structure of the word, in their root and pattern, and generally the concept of the morphology. The root of the word is the basis for the construction, which is the main source, through which we generate meaningful words. Through our study of the roots of the words, we will discuss the most important concept in the Arabic language, which is the morphological weights, which extract from which all morphological patterns or "weights". History has a great role in the development of all modern science, which has a positive impact going forward, and therefore I will give a simple historical overview of the role of the Arabs in mathematics, as well as this partial research concerned the study and analysis the foregoing concepts in Arabic with mathematical concepts. Singled here the study the concept of relations, parity, function, equality and similarity, and connect each of these concepts with some Arabic grammar. The thesis consists three chapters that address the theoretical aspects related to the Arabic language, tied to the concept of relation in mathematics and the experimental work related to the conducted investigation. The concluion reports the Dr Yuonis Ibrahim expert of Arabic language and member staff of University of Benghazi, specch on the relevance of my work for the competences in Language and Mathematics, and in Appendix 3 there are the methods of studying the alphabets of Arabic language for student in first stage of primary education, and also in the appendix 4, there is an application way to extract the root of Arabic language. (Sonbol, Ghneim, & Desouki, 2009). In Appenxid 5 there are also raccomandation letters from Prof. Ageila Ali Elabbar and Prof. Mohamed Elsaeiti These documents underlined the relevance of this work for the research in Didactic of Mathematics. In appendix 1 and 2 some experimental protocols are reported in arabic language.
