

Una rigenerazione smart per i centri storici: da Smart Cities a Smart Heritage

Starlight Vattano


historic center smart heritage smart design smart cities smart rigenerationSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura


What is the relationship between contemporary cities of virtual networks and stakeholders with the historical centers, places of cultural and social heritage? The transformation of global cities make you thing on the contemporary relationship between man and historic center. The European proposal of the Smart Cities responds to the human need of identification in the living spaces, focusing on the six smart parameters involving people in making cities. The article lays the foundation to recognize the historic city as factor of urban regeneration starting from the analysis of some Smart historic centers in Italy and of the world most successful. The aim is to propose new smart models for the recovery of the historical and cultural value of historical centers in order to activate a process of man’s identification in the city through the awareness of urban history told by the architecture over time.
