

Which patients at risk of cardiovascular disease might benefit the most from inclisiran? – The expert opinion of the Polish experts. The compromise between EBM and possibilities in healthcare

Maciej BanachJarosław KaźmierczakPrzemysław MitkowskiKrystian WitaMarlena BroncelMariusz GąsiorMarek GierlotkaRobert J. GilPiotr JankowskiMaciej NiewadaAdam Witkowski


drug programlipid lowering therapyhigh risk patientsGeneral MedicinePolandinclisiranreimbursement


It is the statement of the Polish Experts on the group of patients that might benefit the most from inclisiran. We indicated the fastest way to have inclisiran available for the polish patients, with the necessary changes of the existing drug program for PCSK9 inhibitors (B-101), explaining why it is the optimal way, and why, taking into account available EBM data (the ORION program), inclisiran should be added to this program. We also present some perspective on the future necessary changes in the availability of the innovative therapies such us PCSK9 targeted therapy, what, taking into account the effectiveness of LDL-C goal achievement in Poland for very high CVD risk patients (only 17%), seems to be critically important. Obviously it needs to be combined with our continuous attempts to improve the effectiveness and therapy adherence to available cheap therapy with statins and ezetimibe.
