

Le paysage de la vallée de la Seine au pied du site « princier » de Vix (Côte d’Or)

Frédéric CruzChristophe Petit


[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory


The spatial configuration of the archaeological features of the aristocratic site of Vix (settlement, fortification and cemetery) suggests a strong link between the site’s manmade structures and its natural environment. Before being able to characterise this link, a study of the protohistoric environment of the mont Lassois region was undertaken concentrating on the Seine’s alluvial plain.The first results indicate that the landscape of the Seine’s alluvial plain underwent radical changes at the end of the La Tène and during the Roman period. Drawing on the morpho-sedimentary evolution of other rivers of the Paris basin, hypotheses have been formulated in relation to the factors governing the 3.000 years of evolution of the Seine’s alluvial plain.
