

CO<SUB align="right">2 prices and portfolio management

Maria Mansanet-batallerAngel Pardo


Nuclear Energy and EngineeringRenewable Energy Sustainability and the EnvironmentFinancial economicsGreenhouse gasCarbon marketEnergy Engineering and Power TechnologyPortfolioEuropean Union Emission Trading SchemeEmissions tradingBusinessProject portfolio management


Since the launch of the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), the interest in the trade of EUAs is constantly increasing among academics and market participants. The objective of this paper is twofold: (a) a detailed description of this new market is provided for portfolio managers and (b) a comprehensive study of the implications of including Phase II EUAs in diversified portfolios is undertaken using as expected returns both historical and risk-adjusted returns. The results show that the opportunity set for investors increases when short positions in Phase II EUAs are taken.
