

Measurement of the Ratio of theνμCharged-Current Single-Pion Production to Quasielastic Scattering with a 0.8 GeV Neutrino Beam on Mineral Oil

A. A. Aguilar-arevaloC. E. AndersonA. O. BazarkoS. J. BriceB. C. BrownL. BugelJ. CaoL. ConeyJ. M. ConradD. C. CoxA. CurioniZ. DjurcicD. A. FinleyB. T. FlemingR. FordF. G. GarciaG. T. GarveyC. GreenJ. A. GreenT. L. HartE. HawkerR. ImlayR. A. JohnsonG. KaragiorgiP. KasperT. KatoriT. KobilarcikI. KourbanisS. KoutsoliotasE. M. LairdS. K. LindenJ. M. LinkY. LiuY. LiuW. C. LouisK. B. M. MahnW. MarshV. T. McgaryG. McgregorW. MetcalfP. D. MeyersF. MillsG. B. MillsJ. MonroeC. D. MooreR. H. NelsonP. NienaberJ. A. NowakB. OsmanovS. OuedraogoR. B. PattersonD. PerevalovC. C. PollyE. PrebysJ. L. RaafH. RayB. P. RoeA. D. RussellV. SandbergR. SchiratoD. SchmitzM. H. ShaevitzF. C. ShoemakerD. SmithM. SoderbergM. SorelP. SpentzourisJ. SpitzI. StancuR. J. StefanskiM. SungH. A. TanakaR. TayloeM. TzanovR. Van De WaterM. O. WasckoD. H. WhiteM. J. WilkingH. J. YangG. P. ZellerE. D. Zimmerman


Nuclear physicsPhysicsMiniBooNEParticle physicsMuonPionHadronGeneral Physics and AstronomyHigh Energy Physics::ExperimentNeutrinoEnergy sourceCharged currentLepton


Charged current single pion production (CC{pi}{sup +}) and charged current quasi-elastic scattering (CCQE) are the most abundant interaction types for neutrinos at energies around 1 GeV, a region of great interest to oscillation experiments. The cross-sections for these processes, however, are not well understood in this energy range. This dissertation presents a measurement of the ratio of CC{pi}{sup +} to CCQE cross-sections for muon neutrinos on mineral oil (CH{sub 2}) in the MiniBooNE experiment. The measurement is presented here both with and without corrections for hadronic re-interactions in the target nucleus and is given as a function of neutrino energy in the range 0.4 GeV < E{sub {nu}} < 2.4 GeV. With more than 46,000 CC{pi}{sup +} events collected in MiniBooNE, and with a fractional uncertainty of roughly 11% in the region of highest statistics, this measurement represents a dramatic improvement in statistics and precision over previous CC{pi}{sup +} and CCQE measurements.
