

Physically active play in the early years

Arja Sääkslahti


media_common.quotation_subjectPhysical activityCognitionleikkiminenModerationPersonality psychologyDevelopmental psychologyvarhaislapsuusPersonalityBasic needsPsychologyActive playlapsen kehitysfyysinen aktiivisuusmedia_common


Babies have an inborn drive to be physically active, which serves as a necessary moderator for their development. Young children discover and learn new skills through movement, and this important bond between physical activity and development continues as children grow older. Babies are driven to be physically active, and this innate drive is a key aspect of development. Without this drive, babies would be content simply to have their basic needs met, such as feeding, hygiene, and interaction with another person. Consecutive learning moments create the foundation for overall development, and sensory stimulation and bodily movements combined with cognitive challenges form the basis for reactions of every kind. All babies and children have unique personalities and behave in different ways. These personality characteristics have a genetic basis. During their early years, much of the child’s physical activity centres on active play that is spontaneous and sporadic. nonPeerReviewed
