

Argumentation Skills as Prerequisites for Collaborative Learning Among Finnish, French and English Secondary School Students.

Kristine LundMiika MarttunenLeena LaurinenLia Litosseliti


Argumentativeargumentation skills[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Educationinternational comparisonCollaborative learning[SHS.LANGUE] Humanities and Social Sciences/LinguisticsEducationArgumentation theoryCritical readingPedagogyMathematics educationsecondary school[SHS.LANGUE]Humanities and Social Sciences/LinguisticsPsychology


International audience; Argumentation skills of secondary school students were evaluated in Finland (n = 290), France (n = 54), and England (n = 41). The data were collected from 4 tasks comprising 7 variables. The results indicated that most of the students had correctly justified arguments and conclusions, and composed clear claims and relevant arguments. However, many students had difficulties in recognising the main claim and arguments for it in an expository text, and in commenting analytically on an argumentative text. Thus the students possessed the prerequisites for argumentative reasoning and writing but need further practice in analytical and critical reading.
