

Las clases prácticas de Fisiología Humana y el trabajo previo del estudiante utilizando la plataforma MOODLE: un estudio a pie de aula

Eva TamayoIsabel Torres-cuevasSalvador Pérez GarridoSergio Rius Pérez


Innovación educativaMOODLEEducación superiorEnseñanza superiorTecnologías y educaciónTrabajo autónomoCuestionariosNuevas metodologías docentes


[EN] Among the most novel transformations our educational model has undergone, we find the introduction of innovative teaching methodologies that seek to promote the autonomous work of the student. In the subject of Human Physiolgy, practical teaching is essential. However, students need an extensive theoretical review previous to the practical lesson that consume a significant part of the time allocated to practical learning. In this work, we have developed an innovative teaching methodology that encourages students of the Degree in Optics and Optometry of the University of Valencia to prepare practical lessons in advance by solving previous questionnaires in MOODLE. This enhances their ability of assimilating practical concepts as they obtain better qualifications in questionnaires designed to evaluate the effectiveness of this innovative methodology. In addition, by using a satisfaction survey, we found a high degree of acceptance among the students. Therefore, by fostering the review of theoretical content using MOODLE platform, it is possible to significantly improve the understanding of practical concepts and contribute to improve teaching quality.
