Changing patterns of transition to VET and from VET to higher education : the on-going Finnish VET reform
Maarit Virolainensubject
ammatillinen koulutushigh educationkorkea-asteen koulutustransitionuudistuksetsiirtymävaiheammattikoulutusdescription
Since the 1990s participation in the Finnish vocational education and training (VET) increased by 10%, i.e. it became more attractive choice for young and altogether 42% of them chose it as their post-compulsory education by the fist decade of millennium. Thus Finnish VET seemed to be a success story in contrast to many other European countries. At present the Finnish VET is going through extensive multi-level reform efforts. The reform aims not only to change national qualification requirements, but also legislation, administration and regulation. The reformed model of VET should be implemented in 2018. At the same time the funding for VET education providers has been at stake due to recession since 2008. The aim of this mainly descriptive paper is to discuss the on-going reform´s possible effects on progress of studies and patterns of transitions in Finnish VET (and from VET to HE), as well as to discuss the reform initiatives and effects of societal context for outcomes of the reform. In accordance, the paper explores transitions and compares how VET entrants of the year 2012 have progressed by 2015 compared to earlier cohort who studied in 2004-2007 in order to picture the situation before reform. The effects of the reform are discussed on broad terms utilising the approach of institutionalisation theory. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-01 |