

Beppe Chia and Chialab, 彼普·嘉 / Beppe Chia and Chialab, vision of graphics

Cinzia Ferrara


Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno IndustrialeChialab Beppe Chia Bologna graphic design book design museum library


当Beppe Chia把研究建立在八十年代中期附近 的时候,他也许没想到,自己研究成果的规模和 重要性会随着时间的推移而被放大,但或许他那 时已经有所察觉了,因为他选择了Chialab这条 标签,他把自己对图像的观点与对合作的理解结 合在一起,在实验室、锻造车间以及分享观点和 主意的地方,以各种方式加以考虑。在古老的博 洛尼亚镇中心附近有一所超出他预想的地板房, 透过一扇玻璃舷窗,这所房子的门总是向外面敞 开着,你会发现自己完全陷入这些环境中,把自 己置身于不同的高度,完全不需要出入口。他们 聚集在一起,共同投身于书籍、研究、设计、讨 论、摄影、烹饪和食物的消耗。这些相同的场所 仅仅是一个人们可以围坐在大桌子周围的地方或 是一个小型的内部花园。我正在描绘一个地方, 原先是一间老厂房,能在这里,在Chialab这个视 觉交流的地方工作,产生出大量的想法,并可以 When Beppe Chia founds his study around the half of the eighties, he does not imagine perhaps the dimensions and the importance which it will assume as time goes on or maybe he knows, because the label that he chooses, Chialab, puts together his own views of graphics and what he thinks of teamwork, which is considered in various ways a laboratory, a forge, a study and a place where you can share opinions and ideals. By going beyond the threshold of the space situated on the ground floor of a house which is near the old town centre of Bologna, whose door always looks onto the outside through a glass porthole, you find yourself totally plunged in several environments which are placed at different heights and, without needing any doors at all, they connect at the same time areas which are devoted to books, to the research, to the design, to the discussion, to the photography, to the cooking and the consumption of food; these same areas are simply a place where people stay together around big tables or in the small inner garden.
