

Le grand débat national, une aide pour prendre des décisions locales?

Jacques FizeLucile SautotMartin LentschatLudovic JournauxMohamed Hilal


[INFO.INFO-AI] Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]ACM: I.: Computing Methodologies/I.2: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/I.2.7: Natural Language Processing/I.2.7.0: DiscourseMotifs[SHS.GEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyGrand Débat NationalTransport[SHS.GEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/GeographyPatternsACM: I.: Computing Methodologies/I.2: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE/I.2.7: Natural Language Processing[INFO.INFO-AI]Computer Science [cs]/Artificial Intelligence [cs.AI]


The Great National Debate, decided by Emmanuel Macron at the beginning of 2019 to respond to the Yellow Vests social movement, allowed the collection of citizens’ contributions on the ecological transition via an online platform. In this article, we use the corpus constituted by these contributions to identify areas where participants are asking for the development of bicycle paths and railway facilities. For this purpose, we have created a classification model to identify contributions dealing with the theme of transportation and proposed a method for extracting patterns that reflect the contributors’ proposals. We then represented these patterns on maps, using the contributors’ postal codes.
