

On the Talmud Division: Equity and Robustness

Gabriel BlvdLouis De Mesnard


Equity (economics)Order (exchange)LawPolitical scienceLarge numbersEstateDivision (mathematics)Robustness (economics)TalmudMathematical economicsProportional division


The Talmud Division is a very old method of sharin g developed by the rabbis in the Talmud and brought to the fore in the modern area s ome authors, among them are Aumann and Maschler. One compares the Talmud Division to other methods, mainly here the most popular, Aristotle's Proportional Division, but also to the equal division. The Talmud Division is more egalitarian than the Proportional Division for smal l levels of estate and conversely and it protects the weakest -those who cannot place a non-zero clai m-. This suggests that claimants may choose among the claiming methods depending on their interest, what implies a metagame. Unlike other methods as the Proportional Division, the Talmud Division is not robust because the solution depends on the order in which groups of cl aimants are formed, while it could be impossible to form coalitions without following the increasing order of claimants or to find a general agreement about what precise coalition must be chosen. For a larger number of claimants, fulfilling the order-preserving conditio n may oblige to backtrack for a very large number of steps what implies an unreasonable volume of computations. The paper discusses also of three generalizations of the Contested Garm ent method to three or more claimants.
