

Teacher Training and Linguistic Diversity: Methodological and Outcome Analysis of an Online Course

Miquel Angel Oltra-albiach


AprenentatgeProfessors universitarisLlenguatge i llengües EnsenyamentProfessors FormacióEducation


This research aims to delve into sociolinguistic content in the context of teacher training itineraries at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Using both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the presence of sociolinguistic content will be justified. Likewise, we will analyze the contents and methodology of the subject based on the access data to the materials and the evaluation of the students. The results obtained refer both in terms of the importance of dealing with linguistic attitudes in class and of assessing the tool itself and some of the students' work habits, which we can extrapolate to others similar training environments, in order to extract good practices.
