

Storage and release of fossil organic carbon related to weathering of sedimentary rocks

Philippe Amiotte-suchetChristian Di-giovanniYoann Copard


Biogeochemical cycle010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciencesglobal carbon cyclemajor river basinsEarth science[SDE.MCG]Environmental Sciences/Global ChangesWeatheringSoil science010502 geochemistry & geophysics01 natural sciencesCarbon cycleGeochemistry and Petrology[SDU.STU.GC]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/GeochemistryEarth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)Organic matter91.67.-y0105 earth and related environmental sciencesfossil organic carbon fluxTotal organic carbonchemistry.chemical_classificationgeographygeography.geographical_feature_categoryspatial distributionBedrockSoil carbon15. Life on land[ SDU.STU.GC ] Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/Geochemistry[ SDE.MCG ] Environmental Sciences/Global ChangesGeophysicschemistry13. Climate actionSpace and Planetary Scienceweatheringfossil organic carbon storageSedimentary rockGeology


International audience; The biogeochemical carbon cycle, which plays an undeniable role in global climate change, is defined both by the size of carbon reservoirs (such as the atmosphere, biomass, soil and bedrock) and the exchange between them of various mineral and organic carbon forms. Among these carbon forms, fossil organic carbon (FOC) (i.e., the ancient organic matter stored in sedimentary rocks) is widely observed in modern environments but is not included in the supergene carbon budget. Using a digitized map of the world and an existing model of CO2 consumption associated with rock weathering, we establish the global distribution of FOC stored in the first meter of sedimentary rocks and a first estimation of annual FOC delivery to the modern environment resulting from chemical weathering of these rocks. Results are given for the world's 40 major river basins and extended to the entire continental surface. With a mean value of 1100 109 t, mainly controlled by shale distribution, the global FOC stock is significant and comparable to that of soil organic carbon (1500 109 t). The annual chemical delivery of FOC, estimated at 43 106 t yr− 1 and controlled by the areal distribution of shales and runoff, is of the same order of magnitude as the FOC output flux to oceans. Chemical weathering of bedrock within the Amazon basin produces one-quarter of the total global flux of FOC derived from chemical weathering, and thus is expected to govern FOC release on a global scale. These results raise important questions concerning the role of FOC in the modern carbon cycle as well as the origin and the budget of carbon in soils and rivers
